Destination Manifestation

Are my Manifestations Coming?! Is my Hypnotherapy Working?!

December 19, 2023 Brittany Hoopes Episode 18

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#018 - Have you ever felt like your life is a blank "connect the dots" coloring page, and your thoughts, beliefs, and actions are the lines that are drawn to create the picture? That's exactly how manifestation works! On today's episode of Destination Manifestation, I, Brittany Hoopes - hypnotherapist and manifestation coach, guide you through the intriguing process of manifestation and hypnotherapy.

Imagine if you could identify signs that you're on the right path towards manifesting your desires. Sounds exciting, doesn't it? Well, that's precisely what we dissect in this episode. We delve into the concept of synchronicities, the role of AI technology in visualizing your goals, and how hypnotherapy helps in aligning energies and clearing limiting beliefs. Packed with anecdotes and personal experiences, we make the process of manifestation as relatable and tangible as possible.

Perhaps you've heard of hypnotherapy but aren't sure what it entails or how it can aid you in your manifestation journey. Today, we unravel the science behind hypnotherapy. We discuss how it's akin to medicine or personal training that necessitates consistency and repetition. You'll learn how it can help you focus on positive thoughts and emotions, and how emotions act as indicators of our focus and manifestations. Wrapping up, we share tips on how to evaluate your progress in manifesting your desires. Remember, it's all about directing your intentions towards your desired outcome. So, join me, and let's embark on this journey towards manifesting the life of your dreams!

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Speaker 1:

I'd like you to imagine your dream life, See the version of you who has what you want to have, feels how you want to feel and is who you want to be. I'm Brittany Hoops, your hypnotherapist and manifestation coach, and this is the show where I'll teach you to master the full power of your mind to guide you on your journey towards destination manifestation.

Speaker 2:

Right, this is Destination Manifestation, a podcast for you, the ambitious dreamer, who wants to blast through your conscious and subconscious blocks and manifest the life of your dreams. I'm your host, brittany Hoops. Hello, welcome again. I just finished up some virtual hypnotherapy and coaching sessions, which I just absolutely love. Do I look like I'm glowing? I'm usually glowing whenever I have clients who have a breakthrough. Hey, if you're already subscribed to the show, thank you so much. I'm so glad to have you back In today's episode.

Speaker 2:

We're going to answer some hard-hitting questions. Are you ready? Okay, so how do you know your manifestations are being heard? And a more logistical question how do you know the hypnotherapy that you're doing is working? Okay, so we're going to say goodbye to questioning and give a big all hello to certainty and knowing that you're on the right track.

Speaker 2:

Sound good, because there's nothing really worse, I would say, than driving your car towards destination manifestation. You're going 60 miles per hour and you're wondering as you're driving am I even on the right road? Like, am I even going in the right direction? You see, my husband and I, we love watching amazing race. Well, actually, I will say which. This is like committing CBS blasphemy, but I will say I found a show that I like better than amazing race. Now it's called. It sounds really lame, but it's actually really good. It's on Amazon Prime. It's called 007 Road to a Million. Yeah, sounds super lame. When my husband suggested it I was like, oh, this is only because we have nothing else to watch while I watch this show with you. But actually it's like fantastic and it's just like amazing race, but like way more exciting. But I watched these shows, whether they be amazing race or this new one. I would never actually want to be on them, but I do love watching them and my heart just kind of sinks right because we see these people. Let's say they're in the middle of Germany and they have driven 100 miles or we should say kilometers rather in the absolute wrong direction, okay, and you wonder like, oh, how long is it going to take them to realize that they are just going in the wrong direction? Every mile is just taking them further and further from where they want to go.

Speaker 2:

But let me make this clear what we're exploring here today, which is the metaphysical and the metaphorical version of that, is different than what we might characterize as doubt. Okay, so doubt in yourself, in your progress. We covered all that in a recent episode called how to Stop Doubt in its Tracks. So if you're doubting your manifestation, go listen to that one. For this episode, I'm assuming that you already believe in manifestation.

Speaker 2:

You know that hypnotherapy is a tool that can be used for manifestation, but you want to understand if you're on track with it. So it's not a matter of if this manifestation is going to happen or if hypnotherapy will get it for you. It's more like and I hate to say this, but it's like the thought is am I doing it right and how does it work? And how do I know it's working for me? It's not a question of if it works, that's doubt. Go listen to that episode. But it's a question of am I aligned to its fullest power?

Speaker 2:

Okay, so it sort of kind of reminds me of this professor that I had during college. I went to NYU, I studied at theater, and this particular professor, if you can even call him that, he was a PhD student. Let me tell you, this man was so full of himself Like I have never seen such a healthy, robust ego in my life. He started the semester literally like we all sat down and it was like quiet. And he starts the semester and he goes everything we learn in this class is art. It's not a question of if it's art. If it's in this class, it is art. It was like this big production of how he introduced this and it's just so funny.

Speaker 2:

My husband and I make fun of that line like all the time, even 10 years later after school. And I just found it so funny because I'm like dude, like calm down. Who are you to determine what I feel is art? Isn't that like the whole thing of art? Like art is subjective, right? That's the whole point. But I will say, as I get older, I guess I kind of get what he was trying to say right, because I can only imagine how many term papers he must read by 18 year old punks that think they're being clever by questioning the validity of the art you know, is it art or not versus doing what the assignment was designed to do, which is to actually discuss what that art means, right? So I guess you know he just kind of wanted to take that off the table from the beginning and he could have done that in like a way less asshole sort of way. But I must say that that's kind of how I'm feeling a little bit here right now too.

Speaker 2:

Like I know and hopefully this is not nearly as a rude way to say this, but like I know, you wouldn't be listening to this podcast called Destination Manifestation if you didn't believe in manifestation right, if you hadn't seen it work in some areas of your life before or in the people around you, or if you weren't interested in using manifestation and tools like hypnosis or hypnotherapy to help you create a mindset, a way of living, a way of being a freaking amazing life right, you wouldn't be listening. So I don't have to convince you of that. That's why we're here. Nor would I really ever. You know, what you believe is completely up to you. I'm here, if you do believe, to help you do it in the most effective, the most joyful, the most successful way possible, which will actually probably bolster your belief anyways, because of the results you'll be experiencing. Right, it gives you further evidence to your belief. So how do you know you believe in manifestation? It's there. How do you know if your manifestations are being heard?

Speaker 2:

And this whole kind of concept of believing in manifestation is kind of funny to me, because it's kind of like saying that you believe in gravity or you believe in electricity or any sort of fundamental law of the universe, right? It reminds me of that clip. Have you ever seen that clip from the early 90s? I think it's like the Today Show or something. And Katie Courret goes what is internet? And it's just kind of funny because we hear them talk about this internet thing, because it's kind of crazy to even fathom that there was a time when the internet didn't exist or that we didn't really know what it meant.

Speaker 2:

And I truly do believe that in our lifetimes, manifestation and the concept of manifestation will be the same way, like I've already seen so many shifts, even just in the 15-plus years that I've been studying it. But despite all that, we've all had our moments, no matter how much we do believe, where maybe we're lying in bed and we're talking to God, the universe or higher self, whatever you want to call it, and we're just like all right now. Hey God, hey there, universe, hello, I'm here. I know you must be like super busy, you know running the entire planet and all the other planets and keeping life and all that exists going. But like I took a number like a while ago and I just like want to make sure you got my order, like no rush, but just like want to make check in, like I know I've definitely had that conversation before, have you? And wouldn't that be kind of amazing if there was some sort of tracking system on our manifestations? Right, like you have that desire. That's almost like you placing the order and then you get your nice little email confirmation with you know a tracking number and you can watch the little progress bar and you can check in on it whenever you want, just to make sure, like it's good, it's there, it's coming. But I'm actually here to tell you today that a version of that, what I just described, kind of already exists. You just need to know how to read the signs, to know if you're on track, and that's how we know if our manifestations are being heard. We look for, we listen for and we are open to. That's the key to the signs, because the moment you have a desire in your heart, you don't even have to say it out loud. It could just be a conscious or even a subconscious dream in your mind. The universe answers like that it's instant, it exists in the quantum field. The energy is then summoned to that desire and it exists energetically for us Now.

Speaker 2:

I like to think of it as kind of like one of those old coloring pages in a coloring book, where there's connect the dots. And so you turn the page and boom, there are all the dots. They exist, they're there. The universe have delivered all the parts and pieces. But you look at the page and you're like, what is this Like? I don't see anything here. It just looks like a bunch of dots on a page. It doesn't look like anything at all. And so we have to use our mind, our brain, to recognize what we need to do to connect those dots. And then we need to physically pick up our pencil or crayon or whatever, and we have to physically move our body, take action to connect those dots so that we can see the picture. So the picture will manifest there before us and manifestation is the exact same way.

Speaker 2:

Okay, the universe delivers the dots, the energy of what we desire, and then we need to use our brain, our thoughts and our beliefs to tune into the desire. And then, when we're feeling good and we're feeling capable of this desire, when we believe in it, that's when we start taking the necessary actions to create. This is when our thoughts become things. So what happens when, let's say, you're halfway through that connect the dot process and you're wondering, like, am I on the right track? And that's when signs become super fun and super helpful, their synchronicities, their coincidences, their fun little Easter eggs that the universe seems to say like yep, here you go, you're on the right track, keep going. And they can come in all different shapes and sizes.

Speaker 2:

I think I've talked about this in past podcast episodes before. Maybe it's a rainbow, maybe it's seeing a feather on the ground, or maybe it's something like super specific to you. Those are kind of like the most fun. I've been experiencing a lot of them recently, which I love hearing stories about this. I'm going to share mine with you guys. So I love and I highly recommend that you do this too.

Speaker 2:

This is a big manifestation hack. I love incorporating AI and AI imagery into helping with my manifestations. So here's how I use it. It's really fun and it's a really powerful way to use this technology to assist you in manifesting. So I love to use AI to render an image of what I want to manifest to help with my visualization. So this is especially good for anyone who has trouble visualizing. I would definitely also recommend that you check out an episode that we talked a lot about this. It's my interview with Michael Bruner of BB24. I highly recommend that you check out that episode if you have trouble visualizing, because I give you a lot of tips and tricks there.

Speaker 2:

But I found this AI app I think it's called Remini and it creates these photo realistic pictures of what your child would look like if you put your and your partner's face into it, right? And so I'm like, yes, I'm manifesting a baby. This will be awesome. I can see what my baby that I'm manifesting will look like. And let me tell you, I've done that technology before, like many, many, many years ago, and it has rapidly improved. This child actually looked like a child now, as opposed to like a messy Photoshop, like mess or whatever right, it's spectacular, it's spot on. Like it looked like an exact mix of me and my husband, which was like so cool to see. And so I save those pictures and I keep those pictures on my phone in this special album and I look at them and I just like feel so happy, like I feel like a mom who's just looking at pictures of her baby, like it's fun. And so I do this as a manifestation exercise to get on the same vibrational wavelength as being a mother. That's what I would do when I'm a mom, so let's do it here now, acting as if you have what you already desire. It's amazing. Well, I would say, a few days later, after doing that, I open up Instagram and I also follow all these cute baby theme page accounts, which is another manifestation hack that I suggest. Whatever you wanna manifest whether it be a vacation, a dream job, you know a baby like in my case follow Instagram pages that post a lot about these things that you wanna manifest, so that it can continually come up on your feed. Right? You want it to be a part of your life, and the imagery's really powerful.

Speaker 2:

So I was scrolling through these cute and funny videos of these babies and, all of a sudden, this baby pops up. This video of this baby comes up and it looks exactly I'm not kidding exactly like my AI-generated baby photo. Now, I don't know, maybe Instagram is doing some sort of sorcery that I'm unaware of so far, maybe it was AI-generated, but it looked real. I think it was just a circumstance. Regardless, I don't care, right? All these other reels of these babies are dancing or they're laughing or they're interacting with their parents. But in this video it was so different. It was just this baby looking directly at the camera, just sort of batting her eyes and smiling, like it felt like the baby was looking directly at me and it was just. It was so cool. I was amazed, I was sort of in shock and I just felt like I'm like, yep, I hear you universe, like thank you for that video, like thank you, like I wanted to see a real-life representation.

Speaker 2:

And so all this is to say, notice the signs, okay, those things that just seem to line up in perfect, beautiful ways. It's the universe starting to show you that picture. So, just like, when you're playing, connect the dots right Say, the image is a dog, and you might start noticing like, oh wow, these lines kind of look like legs. You might start to see aspects or parts of that image starting to form, and so that's how you know you're on the right track when it's starting to come together and these signs are that way.

Speaker 2:

Another way that you know your manifestations are being heard is by listening to your own emotions. So we've talked about doing this before, and here we've talked about sort of looking outward for signs. Now it's about looking inwards, at your own emotions, your own feelings. So here's the thing and not many people say this, but I'm just gonna be frank with you. Okay, the universe is what we might us physical beings might consider a little stubborn. Okay, actually, the universe is not a little stubborn.

Speaker 2:

God, the universe, your higher power, it's a bit of a no at all, and I guess that kind of you know it's earned that right. It does know all it is, all it is, and I think it's gotten to its head a little bit. Okay, it is so certain of your desires that it doesn't even bother with messing with negative emotions about them. Like, why bother? Like, why feel bad about something when it absolutely 100% knows, like there's no reason to right, they know that those worries are false. So instead, we humans are kind of designed with this internal compass within us, this sixth sense, right, the system that is actually very easy to use, even though we misuse it all the time. It's our emotions. And here's how it works, this compass.

Speaker 2:

The closer we are to our desires, the more we believe in the truth of them, the more we are in alignment with how the universe feels about them, the better we feel and the more positive emotions we end up feeling. So when we feel that positive emotion, it's a sign that, yes, you're very close, you're lined up, it's coming your way. So anytime we're a vibrational match to our higher power, god, the universe. When we feel like they do about our manifestations, we match and we feel good. But it also goes the other way too. Anytime we feel any negative emotion, that means we're no longer a match. It means we're no longer allowing this thing that we want to manifest into our lives. It's the signal, it's the alarm to us, like hey, you've gone off course.

Speaker 2:

I think Abraham Hicks uses the analogy of those kind of like little bumper things on the side of the road, like it's, like, it's like it's supposed to wake you up, it's supposed to let you know, like hey, you're off track from your manifestations because you're not feeling good about them. And here's the kicker If you're asking the question, have my manifestations been heard? You're most likely not a vibrational match. If you were feeling love, if you were feeling joy, contentment, you probably wouldn't be asking that question, right? And it kind of reminds me of this game. I don't know if you've ever played this game at a carnival before.

Speaker 2:

You have a racehorse that you're assigned and you have a water gun, and the goal is to shoot your water gun at the bullseye, because whenever you hit the bullseye, your little horse is going to gallop forward. But anytime that you're not on that bullseye, anytime you're a skew and you're firing your water somewhere else, your horse is going to stop. And that's how manifestations and our emotions work. When you feel good, when you're in an energetic match to the universe and to your desires, your water is firing off at the bullseye and your manifestation is just galloping towards you, just like that horse, right. But anytime you feel bad or you ask has my manifestation been heard yet? That's just like purposely pointing your water gun off to the side. It's off the bullseye and your horse just stops dead in its tracks. It doesn't move you towards what you want. The thing still exists. There's still a finish line where your manifestation exists. You're just not getting any closer to it. You're stopping. So use this internal compass that you are built with, use your emotions to tell you if you're pointed at the bullseye or if you're pointed off of it, if you're allowing your manifestations to gallop on in your experience or if you're keeping them separate from you, because you know what happens when you keep that water stream on that bullseye long enough, right? Your little horse makes it all the way across the game. The bell rings and then you win a prize, right? Maybe it's a big stuffed animal or a bike, or it's whatever you want to manifest. That's what you get. You win your manifestation, and you don't even need any tickets. Okay, no tickets required. That's how it works.

Speaker 2:

Here's another thing to think when you ask yourself the question no manifestation, the instructions you're giving your brain is no manifestation. That's what you manifest. No manifestation. Or looking more for your manifestation, more of where is it? Your thoughts are the instructions that you send the universe. So no manifestation equals no manifestation.

Speaker 2:

So how do we manifest? Then? We have to believe in it first, and this is so backwards to what we're generally taught, which is why, most of the time, if you follow general advice, it doesn't work. It's why so many people are so miserable. So here's something that I find that can help you with your belief. If you've been questioning where is my manifestation, it just means that you aren't focusing on where you need to focus on, and that's okay. It just means that you've been firing off the gun to the wrong area. No, you just got to get back on the bullseye, that's it. You need to refocus.

Speaker 2:

So for a lot of us, especially those of us who are goal getters we're ambitious people, we have lots of dreams this waiting and this trusting can feel off, it can feel counterintuitive, it can feel like we're not doing enough, and it's funny. I am definitely that way. I am a very proactive person and that's one of the qualities that I value most in myself is that I never give up. I truly never give up to an insane degree. I refuse, I'm not a procrastinator. I take action on things, I'm not afraid to do and to create things.

Speaker 2:

Whereas my husband, on the other hand, he's kind of my perfect compliment, right, he's so much more laid back, he goes with the flow. But let's say, sometimes you know this could work for you and against you, right? Let's say, sometimes there's a problem solving issue, he will. His attitude will be well, they said it isn't possible, so oh, wow, we can't do it and I'll be like well, did you ask them this? Did you call four other companies? Did you brainstorm this? Did you do this? Did you do email? Blah, blah, blah.

Speaker 2:

Like I come up with all these solutions, right, because I don't give up, whereas he kind of gives up the moment that there's like one hiccup and this isn't true for everything, but like as a general rule, right, but I will say his type of personality does so much better when it comes to waiting and trusting. Like he just knows we're going to be parents, like his belief has never wavered and thank God, because if his belief was wavering that would make it way harder to guide. But he just he doesn't waver, he's not uncomfortable in this in between time, right, and I'm there now. But I will say, like that's been a journey, right. It's like taking me a little bit to get there, just because, like I feel like I always should be doing something. You know, like that's my MO, it's like what do I do? And sometimes there's some situations that there's not an immediate answer for what there is to do, until I discovered this hack.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so if you're prepared to have your mind blown, do patience, do trust. We kind of think of patience and trust as sort of these passive and active sort of things. But if you're a go-getter, if you're a person who likes to do, If you want to feel active and participatory in your manifestations, even when it's taking a while. I urge you to start looking at it this way, because patience could be one of the most productive things that you do. Trust and faith are inherently active processes Because they're the process of focus and attention, and when we're lazy with our focus and our attention, when we're not Doing our focus, it can go any which way right, but when we're active in it, we're more deliberate with it, and so, instead of questioning when is the manifestation, take that attention and reroute it to what you're doing, which is trusting that it's done.

Speaker 2:

Faith, trust, patience these are not passive actions. They require focus and attention for living them out. So what does it mean to be living and doing? Trust For me? Like what I do. Patience it reminds me to do more things that I enjoy. Like what does it mean to do? Patience? It's like, oh, I'm gonna go Enjoy myself right now. Like that's me doing. Patience. It reminds me to focus on how it feels to already have my manifestation. I'm no longer looking, I'm in that state of receivership. Looking and receiving are two very different energies. So, if you feel like you need something to do, if you're like me, do patience and it's now kind of become a joke in our house. Like anytime my attention starts to slip back and a questioning or frustration Because it will occasionally like it's part of the human experience I just kind of say, alright, I'm doing patience, you know, and we kind of laugh. I don't really think of myself as an impatient person as a general rule, but like, when it comes to not feeling like there's something to do, I have to remind myself of this.

Speaker 2:

So let's tackle the other question now. Okay, you're on your manifestation journey. You've decided to explore hypnotherapy as a tool to align your energies. That's what it can be used for to clear any limiting beliefs, to harness your focus Back towards what you desire, to create that habit of refocusing. How do you know that your hypnotherapy is working? Now, I love this question because you know, obviously this is what I do for a living, right?

Speaker 2:

Like I mentioned before, I'm a certified hypnotherapist and life coach and I've had clients who ask me like how do I know it will be working? Like what do I look for? And I like to ask them these things Do you believe it will work? Ask yourself that question Do you believe it will work? Seriously, this is a super valid question. It actually came up for me in an one-on-one session that I had earlier today, namely because the laws of manifestation that we all just discussed Very much still apply to hypnotherapy as well. Right, hypnotherapy is a tool and our modality that exists in our physical reality that we use in that very meta.

Speaker 2:

So the thing with hypnosis is that there are so many outdated tropes from old movies, from TV shows that really do a horrendous job at mischaracterizing how hypnosis works. A lot of times I'm just trying to like reeducate people on how it works. So, for example, you cannot be hypnotized against your will, no matter how many blockbuster hits seem to suggest that it's just it. Just, it isn't that exciting, it doesn't work that way. It's not possible, because you have to believe that it will work for you for it to work. So that's one of the reasons why I always ask my clients like what do you expect From your hypnotherapy session? Because I want to use the style of hypnosis that's going to best align with your expectations, because your expectations fuel your beliefs.

Speaker 2:

So someone doesn't believe that hypnosis will work for them. They're gonna have a lot of resistance, which will make it far harder, if not impossible to be hypnotized. And then, of course, they say, see, that didn't work. And then I say, no, you just manifested exactly what you believe, which is the core tenet of manifestation. You didn't think it was work, it would work, so you manifested it not working. That's how it, that's how manifestation works.

Speaker 2:

But the beautiful thing about hypnosis is, though, once you do believe, and the more that you've seen it work for you or work for other people that you trust and you know, the more you've developed a relationship with your hypnotherapist, it bolsters your belief even more, which I've experienced. That I've had some long-term clients experience that it's pretty wonderful, because once I'm working with a client For a while, it takes less and less sessions to achieve similar results because they believe in it more and more. Like for me, when I see my hypnotherapist, it's like a couple sessions and I'm done Like I don't need very much more than that. Because I believe in hypnotherapy, I know that it works. I see it every day. It works every day for me. My belief has gotten stronger and stronger and stronger as I practice it. So belief can work in your favor too, and that's what we want to use your beliefs to work in your favor, same with your manifestations. We want your beliefs to align with your manifestations, to work in your favor.

Speaker 2:

Another question I would ask about hypnotherapy is are you practicing your hypnosis daily? Because the thing is, repetition is key here. Hypnosis, again, not a magic spell. I really wish I have had people call me a witch before. I got a DM where somebody told me that they thought I was a witch and that was kind of funny and I kind of, you know, was like, oh man, I kind of wish I was a witch. That would make my job a whole lot easier.

Speaker 2:

But this is kind of when we get into like the neuroscientific understanding behind how hypnotherapy works. Right, are you listening to your hypnosis recordings daily? It's just kind of like taking medicine or working out with a personal trainer. Repetition is key. You got to do the things to get the results, and so with hypnosis we're building new neural pathways within the brain and those are built just purely through repetition.

Speaker 2:

Does this mean that you have to do a one-on-one session every day? No, I would say that those are kind of like your big up levels, right, your deepest sessions. I usually recommend doing those bi-weekly and if you really want to see some progress like quickly. I would do weekly sessions, but I do make sure that all my clients that I work with have their own custom hypnosis recording that I write for them If they opt into my sixth session bundle, and there's also a self-hypnosis recording that I provide all my clients that work with me. So you have recordings, and it's those recordings that I highly suggest that you listen to every night or every morning when you first, when you wake up. Again, hypnosis is not a magic spell, even though that would be really cool and I'd love to be a witch.

Speaker 2:

Now, I do think that there is a misconception out there, because, well, first of all, there's a lot of hypnotists that are like one session and you can stop smoking, and I'm like that's really great marketing, but it kind of does some of your clients a disservice, although I kind of get it though, too, because the more what they're trying to do there is, they're trying to bolster your belief that it will happen really quickly to you, and so if you believe it will happen really quickly, then it will happen really quickly. So it's like it's very meta, right, and it has for some people. They do one session and they completely stop smoking, or like the story that Heisam from BB 25 told in his interview episode, where we talked about how one group session and he stopped biting his nails forever. Like that's amazing. That's pretty awesome. As a hypnotherapist, when I hear those stories, it just shows me that there was very little resistance that needed to be overcome to create that result, and that's wonderful.

Speaker 2:

Some people will have very little resistance. I've definitely had a good amount of people who have done one session and they've been fine. I've had even more people who have resistance, though that tends to be the norm. Very few people have the strong belief that it would only take one session for it to work. I mean, it's kind of similar to asking a personal trainer, like how long will it take for me to get six-pack abs? And the trainer is probably going to ask you well, like how often are you working out? How much weight or body fat do you have to lose? You know, like what's hiding those abs? Because if you have a lot of weight or if you have a lot of body fat covering up your abs and you rarely work out, like it's going to take you a very long time, versus if you work out every day and you have a very, very little body fat, then your abs are just kind of like they're right underneath the surface, like they're just right around the corner right. And it's the same with hypnosis If you rarely practice your recordings and you rarely go to your sessions, it's going to take longer and that's what's always like such a bummer with.

Speaker 2:

This doesn't happen very often, but occasionally I'll get clients who sign up and they're really excited and then they don't stick with their sessions. They just don't book them. They bought like six sessions. They just don't show up and then they're upset because they're not getting results. But it's like girl, you have to show up, like you have to do the thing right. It isn't magic and so if you have a lot of resistance and you have a lot of negative beliefs around the topic that you want to manifest, that you want help with, it's going to take longer. But mostly it's going to take as long as you expect or believe that it will take. So actually you get to manifest how long it takes for you, which is good news. I love that for you and I love that for all of us that we get to decide.

Speaker 2:

Another question, the third and final question I would ask to determine if your hypnotherapy is working. Ask yourself how were you feeling? Just like with manifestation, we use our emotions as our guides in hypnotherapy too, now, but isn't to say that negative emotions won't be brought to your conscious awareness during a hypnotherapy session. They very much can be and it can be a very healing experience. But the goal of hypnotherapy is to release these things, process these things and move through them to a more aligned state of mind, because all hypnosis is is just a deep, deep state of relaxation.

Speaker 2:

Even when I'm working with clients on trauma or depression, we always handle these subjects with gentleness and a sense of objectivity. We're looking at it like in the third person Isn't that interesting? And so that these things no longer rule us. But we realize that we have co-creative power in the experiences that we feel. I always like to say that it's like, instead of being in the blizzard of the snow globe, we realize that we're the ones shaking it, that as long as we stop shaking it, we're no longer in the blizzard of our emotions.

Speaker 2:

Our emotions aren't necessarily something to be feared. They're indicators that tell us where we are in relation to our manifestations. We can learn from them. They're just like little alerts. They're notifications on your phone, on the phone of your body and your soul and your spirit. They tell us where we're placing our focus. I'm going to feel shitty if I focus on things that feel shitty. I'm going to feel happy if I focus on things that feel happy. So what we work on together is to train our brain to focus, to train our brain to place our focus in the direction of what we want to feel instead.

Speaker 2:

So if you've been practicing hypnosis, how are you feeling? One of the goals of every session is to practice shifting our focus and giving those instructions to our brain so we can create the habit of that. Now, immediately after a session, you might feel a whole sort of mix of feelings, and that's perfectly normal and okay. I really consider hypnosis a retroactive process, because how you know how deeply you were hypnotized is how you feel in the following days afterwards. You might feel elated and full of joy directly after, or you might feel a little bit more tender and in tune with kind of a whole array of emotions.

Speaker 2:

We consider hypnosis to be that retroactive experience. So I always tell my clients to allow themselves some time and some grace to integrate everything from the session. I recommend that you give yourself at least kind of four days in between one-on-one sessions and you can use your recordings in between and then see how you feel then, and I would say nearly all of my clients report feeling like 10 times better within a few days, after they've sort of settled, after they've integrated things, after they've had those aha moments, they've given their brain some time to adapt to this new way of focusing their attention. Why do they feel better? Because we're training their brain to focus on beliefs that do feel good to them, because, remember, our thoughts create our emotions, and in hypnotherapy all we're doing is training your brain to focus on thoughts that feel good to you so that you feel good emotions. And when you feel good emotions, you know you're aligned with your manifestations. See, it's just like, oh, it works so beautifully. All right.

Speaker 2:

So I hope I have answered your question sufficiently. Now you know if your manifestations and your hypnotherapy is working for you, and I just want to thank you, travelers, for joining us here today. I hope you're back on track. I hope you know which direction you're going on your journey towards destination manifestation. You are an absolutely amazing human being and if you haven't done so already be sure to subscribe to this podcast.

Speaker 2:

And the one other thing I'd like you to do after listening to this episode is this Recommend this show to a friend that you think would enjoy it. I'm sure there's someone out there who's been talking to you and he's just like, feels like they're at a loss. They don't know if they're doing these things right, and just send them my way, point them towards this episode, let them know how they can tell if they're going in the right direction. Let this episode be a map to you and to anyone you know. All music for this podcast is by Acubed. And remember, keep that water stream of your focus and your belief in your manifestations pointed towards the bullseye and you'll get there. I'll talk soon.